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Magenta Logistics Network is the Women’s Forwarding Association. It is the first network of its kind, connecting the finest freight forwarding companies owned or managed by women into one solid & secured community. This move towards diversity does not only open up new business opportunities from new partners but also empowers all women in the Logistics & Freight Forwarding industry.

Network Ethics & Guide

Magenta Logistics Network members maintain a professional working relationship amongst each other by adhering to The Network Ethics and Guide.

To pay all monies due to members in a timely manner (standard: within 30 days, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing)

To be active in sales endeavors for mutual growth

To attend annual conferences of the alliance to ensure activeness of members within the organization

To respect other members’ existing customer bases and refrain from back selling

To reflect the true cost of all rates quoted from Member to Member for common markup and profit-sharing. Should the cost change (even during shipment), the Magenta logistics Networks agent partner/s must update accordingly. Overcharging is considered unethical within the network and Magenta logistics Networks reserves the right to expel members with unethical practices.

To provide bona fide sales leads when possible

To be properly staffed for the highest level of service

To operate in accordance with all stated shipping advice

To promptly respond to all communications (standard: within 24 hours)

To quote rates in full detail in a timely manner

To share freight profits 50/50, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing

Be part of the Women's Logistics Network